Thursday, October 3, 2013

Each Other's North Star

It was a cool winter night in January. A soldier stood in front of two lovely girls: his wife and his daughter. As he set his bad down in the snow, he gave his wife a hug. As he gave her the last hug they would share until he would return, he whispered, "I love you," into her ear. As they kissed, he smiled, wiped away a tear that had formed in her eyes and bent down so he was eye-to-eye with his daughter, Evelyn.

"Good luck, dad. I know you'll do great and powerful things." She said, as he smiled, pushing some of her brown hair back behind her ear.

"That's it? No hug, no kiss, no nothing? Just good luck? I'm hurt, Eve. I'm really hurt."He said. She smiled, as he pulled her in closer, so her head was on his shoulder. He felt the tears begin to hit his shirt, and his heart began to ache, but he was only going off to war to protect his family, friends, and his darling Evelyn.

She looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face, and faked a smile. He smiled back as he set her down on his lap and looked her square in the eye.

"I'm sorry dad. I really thought that I was ready. I kept telling myself all week that I wouldn't cry, that I would be strong, and I'd be able to smile when I saw you off, but I guess I was wrong. I still don't see why you have to go, why everything has to change."

"I know you don't darling, but it's changing for the best. The sooner the war is over, the faster I can get back here to you and mom. Trust me, I'll be safe. I'm not on the front lines." He replied.

"You don't have to be on the front lines to be hurt or killed."

"You're right. You don't."

She stood up, and started to walk away, as n the background, she heard the conductor say, "All aboard." Knowing deep in her heart that she didn't want to let her dad go with her just walking away, she turned around, and ran back for her father. He smiled, and bent down to catch her in his arms. As he wrapped his arms around her one last time, he, himself found tears falling from his eyes, though he wouldn't let her see them.

"Eve I only have a moment, but this is for you." He said, as he handed her a small box. As she ripped the paper off and opened the box, she saw a silver locket on a piece of blue felt. He bend down, took it out of the box, and quickly put it around her neck. As he kissed her on the head, he picked up his bag, gave a quick kiss to his wife, and ran on board the train. He quickly took a window seat, and put the window down as the train blew its horn, and began to move. Evelyn ran to keep up with it, as he put his hand out the window, and she reached to grab it.

"Just remember, Eve, we're each others North Star. Just look up and you'll find me." And with that the train left the station with her still standing there. Her mother came over to her, and wrapped her arms around Evelyn to take her home, but Evelyn just stood there, silent, waiting and hoping that the train would come back with her father on it, but after a half hour of waiting, she realized that he wasn't coming back. She turned around slowly, and allowed her mother to guide her to the car. Her hero had left her and she never felt so alone in the world. 

I Love You

A daughter was born into this world
One dark and stormy day
A premature baby
Whose life was at play
She lay in an isolette
In the NICU ward
Her father came to see her
And visit everyday
Everytime he left her
In the care of the doctors
He always smiled and whispered
"I love you Vesper"

His daughter soon grew
And came home alive and well
She learned to smile and laugh
How to play and be herself
And every night he put her to bed
He always smiled and kissed her
And patted her on the head
Then turned out the light and whispered
"I love you Vesper"

Soon she grew into a touchy, young teen
Who went to Jr. High
And thought she was a queen
They started to fight
And she learned to disagree
But every night he still whispered
"I love you Vesper"

He now had a teenage on his hands
Who had dreams she wanted to achieve
She wanted to party
She wanted to drive
She wanted to be popular
She wanted to thrive
He worried and wondered night and day about her
Would she make the right choices at school today?
She learned to argue
And how to hold back
She learned how to love
And how to let go
She learned about the future from the past
He always said "I love you"
And that was the only thing that didn't change

But one day he forgot to say it
And he felt so bad
When he heard a friend saying
That there was a shooting
Right where his daughter was
He got in the car
And refused to look back
He prayed for the best
But prepared for the worst
He rushed to the hospital
He rushed to her side
She opened her eyes
And smiled while taking his hand
She coughed up some blood which he wiped away
Their eyes met as he heard her say,
"I love you too, daddy."

My Heart's Deep Feeling For The One I Love

You have one new message...Message One, Thursday, August 24 at 9:45 AM

      I'm trying to trust myself and believe what my heart is telling me. I'm looking down the hall, and I see your smiling face. I'm lost in a dark jail cell, but you seemed to be what lights up my room. I'm trying to tell you just how I feel, but every time I'm close enough; I don't know what to say. I'm wishing that you were just a mind reader so you could just see what I want to say. I'm scared and afraid that it won't work like how we want, but I want to be back in your arms.  While my brain is running out of control 24/7, my heart is begging for it to feel some love, but I reject it because I don't have time, so now, I'm swelling up inside. I'm always running around and around that I'm not sure I'm always on the ground. I've allowed my life to become so wild and crazy, that I'm slowly slipping from my childhood and its wonderful memories. So now, it looks like just one question remains. Can we try again, where I will finally commit to it? I've had time to think, and I now see that sometimes I'm not as smart as I seem to be, so now maybe you'll understand me, and see what causes me to be the me you see. Last time I wasn't sure about what being in a relationship meant, but it means to give, and never look back, and accept the person with whom you are with. Now more than ever, I could use someone like you in my world which is slowly falling apart. Your love and support would mean te world to me. I've closed my heart too what I so deeply need that I am as cold as ice, but with you, my heart would be let free, and maybe I would be able to learn to love again. I know that it didn't work last time, but I'm willing to fight for it this time, and most importantly, I won't let what's happened in the past affect us again, but I need time, and space to get use to a trusting relationship that I hope and want to have with you...

End of messages...